Thursday, October 25, 2007

Marc Chagall Painting

Marc Chagall Painting
Not the difficulty so much as the danger. It might, you know, be dangerous. It's only right to warn you of that."
"I don't know," said Lucy pensively, "that the idea of danger would deter me."
"I didn't think it would," said Miss Marple. "You're not that kind of person."
"I dare say you thought it might even attract me? I've encountered very little danger in my life. But do you really believe it might be dangerous?"
Marc Chagall Painting
"Somebody," Miss Marple pointed out, "has committed a very successful crime. There has been no hue-and-cry, no real suspicion. Two elderly ladies have told a rather improbable story, the police have investigated it and found nothing in it. So everything is nice and quiet. I don't think that this somebody, whoever he may be, will care about the matter being raked up - especially if you are successful."
"What do look for exactly?"
"An signs along the embankment, a scrap of clothing, broken bushes - that kind of thing."
Lucy nodded.
"And then?"Marc Chagall Painting


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Marc Chagall Painting

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Marc Chagall Painting