Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tamara de Lempicka Portrait of Ira

Tamara de Lempicka Portrait of IraTamara de Lempicka La bella RafaelaTamara de Lempicka Girl in a Green Dress
Russian," he said. "They're gonna come up all together and at a run. That would be hardest for us, so they'll do that."
"Aim straight," she said.
"I will. And then the fight began. Within a minute the crack of rifles, the whine of ricocheting bullets, the smash of pulverizing rock echoed and rang the length of the mountainside and along the hollow gulch behind. The smell of cordite, and the burning smell that came from the powdered But hell, I don't like taking lives, Hester.""Ours or theirs.""No, it's more than that," he said. "It's theirs or Lyra's. I cain't see how, but we're connected to that child, and I'm glad of it.""There's a man on the left about to shoot," said Hester, and as she spoke, a crack came from his rifle, and chips of stone flew off the boulder a foot from where she crouched. The bullet whined off into the gulch, but she didn't move a muscle."Well, that makes me feel better about doing this," said Lee, and took careful aim.He fired. There was only a small patch of blue to aim at, but he hit it. With a surprised cry the man fell back and died.

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