Friday, March 13, 2009

Edward Hopper Jo in Wyoming

Edward Hopper Jo in WyomingEdward Hopper Hills South TruroEdward Hopper High Road
The tiny sun rolled down towards the horizon, towing its lazy daylight behind it. The clouds ahead grew, and became outlined in pink and orange. After a while he could make out the darker blur of land below them, with here and there to direct the horse towards a seaport a little Rimwards of their present course.
There were a few ships at anchor, mostly single-sailed coastal traders. The Empire didn't encourage its subjects to go far away, in case they saw things that might disturb them. For the same reason it had built a wall around the entire country, patrolled by the Heavenly Guard whose main function was to tread heavily on the fingers of any inhabitants who felt they might like to step outside for five minutes for a breath of fresh air.
This didn't happen often, because most of the subjects of the Sun Emperor were quite happy to live inside the lights of a city.Half an hour later he was sure he could see individual buildings. Agatean architecture inclined towards squat pyramids.Binky lost height until his hooves were barely a few feet above the sea. Mort examined the hourglass again, and gently tugged on the reins

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