Monday, October 15, 2007

Famous painting

Famous painting
So it was in a sharp, cheerful voice, almost the voice in which she had talked during the first few days of Mr. Sleuth's stay in her house, that she exclaimed, "Well, sir, I'll be up again to clear away in about half an hour. And if you'll forgive me for saying so, I hope you will stay in and have a rest to-day. Nasty, muggy weather - that's what it is! If there's any little thing you want, me or Bunting can go out and get it."
Famous painting
It must have been about four o'clock when there came a ring at the front door.
The three were sitting chatting together, for Daisy had washed up - she really was saving her stepmother a good bit of trouble - and the girl was now amusing her elders by a funny account of Old Aunt's pernickety ways.
"Whoever can that be?" said Bunting, looking up. "It's too early for Joe Chandler, surely."
Famous painting


Anonymous said...

Famous painting

Anonymous said...

Famous painting