Friday, March 28, 2008


另一方面,报告将去年8月中国国防部长曹刚川的访日定义为“消除威胁论之行”,但在总结时称,访问“未能达到增进相互理解与信赖及友好关系的地步新华社今晨专电 美国国防部一名官员19日说,美军一个月前发射导弹击毁一颗失控卫星,几乎没有产生太空垃圾。
oil painting

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


oil painting

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


oil painting

Monday, March 24, 2008



Sunday, March 23, 2008

da vinci painting

da vinci painting
mona lisa painting
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van gogh painting
to address Helen Burns.
'How are you to-night, Helen? Have you coughed much to-day?'
'Not quite so much, I think, ma'am.'
'And the pain in your chest?'
'It is a little better.'
Miss Temple got up, took her hand and examined her pulse; then
she returned to her own seat: as she resumed it, I heard her sigh low.
She was pensive a few minutes, then rousing herself, she said
oil paintings
'But you two are my visitors to-night; I must treat you as such.'
She rang her bell.
'Barbara,' she said to the servant who answered it, 'I have not yet
had tea; bring the tray and place cups for these two young ladies.'
And a tray was soon brought. How pretty, to my eyes, did the

Thursday, March 20, 2008

canvas painting

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animal painting
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girl!' said Mr. Brocklehurst, and immediately after-
'It is the new pupil, I perceive.' And before I could draw breath,
'I must not forget I have a word to say respecting her.' Then aloud:
how loud it seemed to me! 'Let the child who broke her slate come
Of my own accord I could not have stirred; I was paralysed: but the
two great girls who sat on each side of me, set me on my legs and
pushed me towards the dread judge, and then Miss Temple gently
assisted me to his very feet, and I caught her whispered counsel-
'Don't be afraid, Jane, I saw it was an accident; you shall not
be punished.'
oil paintings
The kind whisper went to my heart like a dagger.
'Another minute, and she will despise me for a hypocrite,'

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Van Gogh Sunflower

Van Gogh Sunflower
Edward Hopper Painting
Mary Cassatt painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
expostulations, so mild, so rational, have no
influence to cure me of my faults; and even her praise, though I value
it most highly, cannot stimulate me to continued care and foresight.'
'That is curious,' said I, 'it is so easy to be careful.'
'For you I have no doubt it is. I observed you in your class this
morning, and saw you were closely attentive: your thoughts never
seemed to wander while Miss Miller explained the lesson and questioned
you. Now, mine continually rove away; when I should be listening to
Miss Scatcherd, and collecting all she says with assiduity, often I
lose the very sound of her voice; I fall into a sort of dream.
oil paintings Sometimes I think I am in Northumberland, and that the noises I hear
round me are the bubbling of a little brook which runs through

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animal painting
The Birth of Venus
Marc Chagall Painting
Henri Matisse Painting
her punishment- beyond her situation: of something not round
her nor before her. I have heard of day-dreams- is she in a
day-dream now? Her eyes are fixed on the floor, but I am sure they
do not see it- her sight seems turned in, gone down into her heart:
she is looking at what she can remember, I believe; not at what is
really present. I wonder what sort of a girl she is- whether good or
oil paintings
Soon after five P.M. we had another meal, consisting of a small mug
of coffee, and half a slice of brown bread. I devoured my bread and
drank my coffee with relish; but I should have been glad of as much
more- I was still hungry. Half an hour's recreation succeeded, then

Sunday, March 16, 2008

famous picasso pablo painting

famous picasso pablo painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
Rembrandt Painting
miles of road. We passed through several towns, and
in one, a very large one, the coach stopped; the horses were taken
out, and the passengers alighted to dine. I was carried into an inn,
where the guard wanted me to have some dinner; but, as I had no
appetite, he left me in an immense room with a fireplace at each
end, a chandelier pendent from the ceiling, and a little red gallery
high up against the wall filled with musical instruments. Here I
walked about for a long time, feeling very strange, and mortally
oil paintings
apprehensive of some one coming in and kidnapping me; for I believed
in kidnappers, their exploits having frequently figured in Bessie's
fireside chronicles. At last the guard returned; once more I was
stowed away in the coach, my protector mounted his own seat, sounded

Friday, March 14, 2008

Edward Hopper Painting

Edward Hopper Painting
floral oil painting
michelangelo painting
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brush, denuded me of my pinafore, and then hurrying
me to the top of the stairs, bid me go down directly, as I was
wanted in the breakfast-room.
I would have asked who wanted me: I would have demanded if Mrs.
Reed was there; but Bessie was already gone, and had closed the
nursery-door upon me. I slowly descended. For nearly three months, I
had never been called to Mrs. Reed's presence; restricted so long to
the nursery, the breakfast, dining, and drawing-rooms were become
for me awful regions, on which it dismayed me to intrude.
oil paintings
I now stood in the empty hall; before me was the breakfast-room
door, and I stopped, intimidated and trembling. What a miserable
little poltroon had fear, engendered of unjust punishment, made of

Thursday, March 13, 2008

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Bessie had a sweet voice,- at least, I thought so. But
now, though her voice was still sweet, I found in its melody an
indescribable sadness. Sometimes, preoccupied with her work, she
sang the refrain very low, very lingeringly; 'A long time ago' came
out like the saddest cadence of a funeral hymn. She passed into
another ballad, this time a really doleful one.

oil paintings 'My feet they are sore, and my limbs they are weary;
Long is the way, and the mountains are wild;
Soon will the twilight close moonless and dreary
Over the path of the poor orphan child.
Why did they send me so far and so lonely,

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first recollections of existence included hints of the same kind.
This reproach of my dependence had become a vague sing-song in my ear:
very painful and crushing, but only half intelligible. Miss Abbot
joined in-
'And you ought not to think yourself on an equality with the Misses
Reed and Master Reed, because Missis kindly allows you to be brought
up with them. They will have a great deal of money, and you will
have none: it is your place to be humble, and to try to make
yourself agreeable to them.'
oil paintings
'What we tell you is for your good,' added Bessie, in no harsh
voice; 'you should try to be useful and pleasant, then, perhaps, you
would have a home here; but if you become passionate and rude,
Missis will send you away, I am sure.'

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the last supper painting

the last supper painting
picture of the last supper
leonardo da vinci last supper painting
leonardo da vinci mona lisa
insolence to her ears. As to Hareton Earnshaw, if I see him listen to you, I'll send him seeking his bread where he can get it! Your love will make him an outcast and a beggar. Nelly, take her; and leave me all of you! Leave me!'
I led my young lady out: she was too glad of her escape to resist; the other followed, and Mr Heathcliff had the room to himself till dinner. I had counselled Catherine to get hers upstairs; but, as soon as he perceived her vacant seat, he sent me to call her. He spoke to none of us, ate very little, and went out directly afterwards, intimating that he should not return before evening.
oil paintings
The two new friends established themselves in the house during his absence; when I heard Hareton sternly check his cousin, on her offering a revelation of her

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rembrandt Painting

Rembrandt Painting
Mary Cassatt painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
mingled sense of curiosity and envy, that grew as I lingered.
`Con-trary!' said a voice as sweet as a silver bell--`That for the third time, you dunce! I'm not going to tell you again. Recollect, or I'll pull your hair!'
`Contrary, then,' answered another, in deep but softened tones. `And now, kiss me, for minding so well.'
`No, read it over first correctly, without a single mistake.'
The male speaker began to read: he was a young man, respectably dressed and seated at a table, having a book before him. His handsome features glowed with pleasure, and his eyes kept impatiently wandering from the page to a small white hand over his shoulder, which recalled him by a smart slap on the cheek, whenever its owner detected such signs of inattention. Its owner stood behind; her light, shining ringlets blending,
oil paintings at intervals, with his brown locks, as she bent to superintend his studies; and her face--it was lucky he could not see her face, or he would never have been so steady. I could: and I bit my lip in spite, at having thrown away the chance I might have had of doing something besides staring at its smiling beauty.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus
Marc Chagall Painting
Henri Matisse Painting
Van Gogh Painting
like her, I can guess by her talk. My young lady asked some aid of her when she first came; but Mr Heathcliff told her to follow her own business, and let his daughter-in-law look after herself; and Zillah willingly acquiesced, being a narrow-minded, selfish woman. Catherine evinced a child's annoyance at this neglect; repaid it with contempt, and thus enlisted my informant among her enemies, as securely as if she had done her some great wrong. I had a long talk with Zillah about six weeks ago, a little before you came, one day when we foregathered on the moor; and this is what she told me.
oil paintings
`The first thing Mrs Linton did', she said, `on her arrival at the Heights, was to run upstairs, without even wishing good evening to me and Joseph; she shut herself into Linton's room, and remained till morning. Then, while the master and Earnshaw were at breakfast, she entered the house, and asked all in a quiver if the doctor might be sent for? her cousin was very ill.
`"We know that!" answered Heathcliff; "but his life is not worth a farthing, and I won't spend a farthing on him."
`"But I cannot tell how to do," she said; "and if nobody will help me, he'll die!"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

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No,' said Catherine; `unless in dreams. I cannot conceive how you manage to doze out of doors, in the morning.'
`I thought I heard my father,' he gasped, glancing up to the frowning nab above us. `You are sure nobody spoke?'
`Quite sure,' replied his cousin. `Only Ellen and I were disputing concerning your health. Are you truly stronger, Linton, than when we separated in winter? If you be I'm certain one thing is not stronger--your regard for me: speak,--are you?'
oil paintings
The tears gushed from Linton's eyes as he answered, `Yes, yes, I am!' And, still under the spell of the imaginary voice, his gaze wandered up and down to detect its owner. Cathy rose. `For today we must part,' she said. `And I won't conceal that I have been sadly disappointed with our meeting; though I'll mention it to nobody but you: not that I stand in awe of Mr Heathcliff.'
`Hush,' murmured Linton: `for God's sake, hush! He's coming.' And he clung to Catherine's arm, striving to detain her; but at that announcement she hastily disengaged herself, and whistled to Minny, who obeyed her like a dog.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

floral oil painting

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No, I should never love anybody better than papa,' she returned gravely. `And people hate their wives, sometimes; but not their sisters and brothers: and if you were the latter you would live with us, and papa would be as fond of you as he is of me.'
Linton denied that people ever hated their wives; but Cathy affirmed they did, and, in her wisdom, instanced his own father's aversion to her aunt. I endeavoured to stop her thoughtless tongue. I couldn't succeed till everything she knew was out. Master Heathcliff, much irritated, asserted her relation was false.
`Papa told me; and papa does not tell falsehoods,' she answered pertly.
`Ny papa scorns yours!' cried Linton. `He calls him a sneaking fool!'
oil paintings
`Yours is a wicked man,' retorted Catherine, `and you are very naughty to dare to repeat what he says. He must be wicked to have made Aunt Isabella leave him as she did!'
`She didn't leave him,' said the boy; `you shan't contradict me!'
`She did!' cried my young lady.
`Well, I'll tell you something!' said Linton. `Your mother hated your father: now then.'
`Oh!' exclaimed Catherine, too enraged to continue. `And she loved mine!' added he.
`You little liar! I hate you now,' she panted, and her face grew red with passion.

Monday, March 3, 2008

canvas painting

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animal painting
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oil painting for sale
And I never knew such a faint-hearted creature,' added the woman; `nor one so careful of hisseln. He will go on, if I leave the window open a bit late in the evening. Oh! it's killing! a breath of night air! And he must have a fire in the middle of summer; and Joseph's bacca pipe is poison; and he must always have sweets and dainties, and always milk, milk for ever--heeding naught how the rest of us are pinched in winter; and there he'll sit, wrapped in his furred cloak in his chair by the fire, some toast and water or other slop on the hob to sip at; and if Hareton, for pity, comes to amuse him--Hareton is not bad-natured, though he's rough--they're sure to part, one swearing and the other crying. I believe the master would relish
oil paintings Earnshaw's thrashing him to a mummy, if he were not his son; and I'm certain he would be fit to turn him out of doors, if he knew half the nursing he gives hisseln still I was moved with a sense of grief at his lot, and a wish that he had been left with us. Mr Edgar encouraged me to gain information: he thought a great deal about him, I fancy, and would have run some risk to see him; and he told me once to ask the housekeeper whether he ever came into the village? She said he had only been twice, on horseback, accompanying