Thursday, May 15, 2008

flower oil painting

flower oil painting
famous jesus painting
famous animal painting
famous claude monet painting
What's that?" exclaimed Bunting wonderingly. "Why, whatever's that?"
The cabman lowered his voice. "Them's 'a-crying out that 'orrible affair at King's Cross. He's done for two of 'em this time! That's what I meant when I said I might 'a got a better fare. I wouldn't say nothink before little missy there, but folk 'ave been coming from all over London the last five or six hours; plenty of toffs, too - but there, there's nothing to see now!"
"What? Another woman murdered last night?"
Bunting felt tremendously thrilled. What had the five thousand constables been about to let such a dreadful thing happen?
The cabman stared at him, surprised. "Two of 'em, I tell yer - within a few yards of one another. He 'ave - got a nerve - But, of course, they was drunk. He are got a down on the drink!"

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