Tuesday, August 12, 2008

George Frederick Watts The Denunciation of Adam and Eve painting

George Frederick Watts The Denunciation of Adam and Eve paintingGeorge Frederick Watts The Creation of Eve paintingGeorge Frederick Watts She shall be called woman painting
The Gyr don't talk about their winged people unless asked. They don't conceal them or lie about them, but they don't volunteer information. I had to ask questions fairly persistently to be able to write the following description.
Wings never develop before late adolescence. There is no sign at all of the propensity until suddenly a girl of eighteen, a boy of nineteen, wakes up with a slight fever and an ache in the shoulder blades.
After that comes a year or more of great physical stress and pain, during which the subject must be kept quiet, warm, and well-fed. Nothing gives comfort but food—the nascent fliers are terribly hungry most of the time—and being wrapped or swaddled in blankets, while the body restructures, remakes, rebuilds itself. The bones lighten and become porous, the whole upper body musculature changes, and bony protuberances, developing rapidly from the shoulder blades, grow out into immense alar processes. The final stage is the growth of the wing

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