Friday, April 17, 2009

Edward Hopper Ryder's House

Edward Hopper Ryder's HouseEdward Hopper Railroad TrainEdward Hopper New York Office
they spoke, they spoke in unison, their voices drifting ahead or trailing behind the others, as always
.happens when a group of people are trying to faithfully repeat something they've been told to say.
Om was in the throng, standing right behind the Tsortean God of Thunder with a faraway expression on his face. It was noticeable, if only to Brutha, that the Thunder God's right arm disappeared up behind his own back in a way that, if such a thing could be imagined, would suggest that someone was twisting it to the edge of pain.
What the gods "Good. It's about time we had one."
""And an Ephebian!"
"Good. You can think up a better way of ruling the country. Priests shouldn't do it. They can't think about it properly. Nor can soldiers."
"Thank you," said Simony.said was heard by each combatant in his own language, and according to his own understanding. It boiled down to:I. This is Not a Game.II. Here and Now, You are Alive. And then it was over. "You'd make a good bishop," said Brutha."Me?" said Didactylos. "I'm a philosopher!"

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