Monday, October 15, 2007

Bouguereau William

Bouguereau William
Yes. That's what the Lord Mayor offered yesterday. Some private bloke - nothing official about it. But we of the Yard is barred from taking that reward, worse luck. And it's too bad, for we has all the trouble, after all"
"Just hand that bit of paper over, will you?" said Bunting. "I'd like to con it over to myself."
Chandler threw over the bit of flimsy.
Bouguereau William
A moment later Bunting looked up and handed it back. "Well, it's clear enough, isn't it?"
"Yes. And there's hundreds - nay, "thousands - of young fellows that might be a description of," said Chandler sarcastically. "As a pal of mine said this morning, 'There isn't a chap will like to carry a newspaper parcel after this.' And it won't do to have a respectable appearance - eh?"
Bouguereau William


Anonymous said...

Bouguereau William

Anonymous said...

Bouguereau William